Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Garden Party - December 2008

The December 2008 Garden Work Party was a success!

I would like to extend a huge Thank You to everyone who helped make this day fabulous!

Thank you to Kenny and Heidi from the SSU Sustainable Landscaping Program. Their vision, energy, and experience made this day and the days to come much brighter!

Thank you to Gustavo and Sonoma Compost for donating compost for the Analy Garden! There is nothing like really, really great soil.

Thank you to the parents and community members who joined in on all of the hard work, and brought coffee, tea, snacks, and lunch!

And, of course thank you to the students who worked hard,
got muddy,
and are always extra entertaining!

ps. there are more pictures to come!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Garden Party Sunday!!


This Sunday we have a great opportunity to get a ton of work done in the garden!

We need a lot of help, many hands will make this huge job a lot easier! Come for the day, or come for 30 minutes... any contribution would be great.

Please let me know if you will be able to come in the morning or afternoon or both!

Thank you!

Ms. Abbott

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Get Inspired!!!!!!!

Hello Everybody,

It's time to get inspired!

It's time to be green!

It's time to get involved in any way that we can!

There are many opportunities for everyone to get involved... read on and let me know when you are available to help! Even if you only have 15 minutes to help out, that would be great!

Here are some great ways to get involved:
  • Buy Garden Calendars (for sale in the Analy Library every day.)
  • Sell Garden Calendars (we need more volunteers to help sell them at the Band Concert, Choir Concert, and the Talent Show--at least two people selling at each event.)
  • Work in the Garden: We've been out there every Monday (weather permitting) from 2:45 to 3:30... join us! Or find a time that works better for you!
  • HUGE WORK DAY: Sunday, December 7th. Please email me and let me know if you can come for the morning shift (9-12:30pm) or afternoon (12:30-4:00 or until we're finished). Bring gloves, tools, shovels, wheelbarrows, water, snacks, friends and family.
Let's get out there and enjoy this amazing garden we are so lucky to have at Analy! Let's make it beautiful... we have a long way to go & a lot of projects to do, many hands make light work!

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from All of you SOON!

Ms. Abbott & the Garden Club

Friday, November 14, 2008

Monday After School

Hi All!

I'll be out in the garden on Monday after school (2:45-3:30) if you wish to join me! The most immediate Garden need we have is to remove the sunflowers and other summer plants to make room for the new season.

Also, rumor has it that the Garden Calendar is in the print shop today. I got a sneak peak at it, and it is beautiful!!! If anyone would like to volunteer to sell the Calendars at the following events please let me know!
  • Crucible
  • Winter Band Concert
  • Winter Choir Concert
  • Talent Show
Also, if you are interested in purchasing one I will be selling them in the Library as well.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Welcome to the Analy High School Garden!

The Garden Project page has been created in an effort to host Garden Info in a central location where anyone can access it any time!

The Garden is thriving... take a few moments to enjoy it!

Below is a list of features you will be able to find on this site soon!
      • What's Growing Now?
      • Volunteer Opportunities
      • Current Projects
      • Going Green
      • Wish List
      • Thank Yous